Plum Community Center
499 Center New Texas Rd, Plum, PA 15239
Date: March 9, 2024
Time: 9:30-2:00 Email to Register
Time: 9:30-2:00 Email to Register
5th Annual Wellness Program
You are invited to join the Pittsburgh Hearts of Steel Dragon Boat Team for a FREE fitness and healthy living seminar specially designed for the breast cancer survivor.
Did you know that you are a survivor the minute you are diagnosed?
Speakers’ topics and activities to include:Â
- Sexual Health for the Breast Cancer Survivor
- Breast Cancer and Traditional Chinese Medicine
- Nutrition and Understanding your Pathology Report
- Cardio drumming
- Yoga
- Pilates
- Zumba
- Line dancing
Dress comfortably (ie: workout clothes, jeans/tee)
We will have a full FREE lunch midway through the program. Come see why Pittsburgh Hearts of Steel has become a “happy place” for so many breast cancer survivors.
Have questions? Please call Anne at 412-352-1182
Send us an email to register (please include your phone number and any dietary restrictions): pittsburghheartsofsteel@gmail.com