Pittsburgh Hearts of Steel

Empowering Breast Cancer Survivors to strengthen the mind, body, and spirit
through camaraderie and the sport of Dragon Boat Paddling.

About Pittsburgh Hearts of Steel

Pittsburgh Hearts of Steel is a support group open to all Breast Cancer Survivors. We want to provide a place where Breast Cancer Survivors of all ages and physical abilities can gather to discuss and act to improve their overall sense of well-being. We do this through physical activity, communication, support, friendship, and giving back to our community. Although the physical benefits of dragon boat paddling are an important part of our organization, we all find the support, social and additional activities of the group just as fulfilling. We embrace all members no matter what activities you choose to participate in and encourage suggestions from all members.

Join Us for the 2025 Pittsburgh Dragon Boat Festival!

Why Dragon Boat Paddling?

Currently, there are over 150 Breast Cancer Survivor dragon boat teams internationally.

Team Building

Team Building

Hearts of Steel encourages team building, determination, and perseverance

Great Exercise

Great Exercise

Dragon Boating is an excellent way to maximize your strength and endurance

Family Support

Family Support

Hearts of Steel is a support group open to all Breast Cancer Survivors

Whether you want to join our team or just want to chat, we’d love to hear from you!

Support Breast Cancer Awareness!

Hearts of Steel Pittsburgh is a non-profit organization and 100% of all donations are used solely for the activities, education and needs of Breast Cancer survivors. We want to give back to our communities in the Pittsburgh and surrounding areas and are willing to share our personal experiences and knowledge about Breast Cancer and survivorship.

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